Wednesday, April 17, 2013

By the Numbers

By Brenda Black

“This reading was composed for you personally. It is based on your full name at birth, your date of birth, and the name you now use to introduce yourself...Your Personal Numerology Reading describes all aspects of your chart as they are understood in numerology, accurately and in-depth.”

I naively succumbed to the invitation to have “my numbers run.” I had no idea what numbers or what they were running from, so I stepped up to a very safe looking man and answered three simple questions. His little laptop then spewed out an eight page run down of my life! The soft-spoken facilitator neatly assembled the report between polypropylene sheet protectors, complete with red plastic binder. I shoved them into my satchel and decided I'd read it later when I needed something to put me to sleep.

Jammie clad and ready for bed later that night, I pulled the slightly crinkled notebook out for inspection. The first section summarized my “Life Path” and declared that even at the moment of birth, I came with my own unique character, as unique as my DNA. All my potential was already in place. Next it outlined my “Expression.” My number of destiny intended to reveal my physical and mental constitution, representing my lifelong target. This is where the talent and abilities and shortcomings were detailed. Finally, this little road map of my life claimed to know my “Heart's Desire.” With three trivial pieces of information, I was supposed to believe that my abilities, my direction in life and my innermost longings would be spilled onto a page.

I read the report and was astonished! Every little detail described me with shocking accuracy! My first thought: That's uncanny. My second was a rapid, memorized rundown of promises from Psalm 139: “O Lord, you have searched me and you know are familiar with all my knit me together...All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”

As the report clearly predicted I would do, I immediately began to analyze the unbelievable accuracy based on such little input I had provided this algorithmic computer program that nailed me! All I could come up with was God. I had no urge to suddenly put all my trust into some new age philosophy and build my life around predictions and hocus-pocus meditations. I didn't want to start searching the stars for direction. I simply stopped and worshiped the amazing, all-knowing Creator who “knit me together.” How cool that He designs us, then calls us to tasks in life for which we are artistically crafted and equipped! How comforting that He knows our deepest longings, long before we even know them ourselves.

Each of us is born for a purpose! Each comes into the world with tendencies and natural gifts intended to glorify God. But you don't need anyone to run your numbers to discover God's will for your life. The One who authors life itself has all the answers; He formed your inmost being. You are invaluable to Him. “And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.” (Matthew 10:30)

Chances are, you already know yourself pretty well. But are you living in such a way that your strengths glorify God and your weaknesses are surrendered to His authority? Are you tapping into the great possibilities He placed within you? Are you asking God which way to go and what to do? Praise God for His patent on your life. You are fearfully and wonderfully made to live up to your God-given potential!

Appropriately, it is in Numbers 6:24-26 where the Lord teaches Moses how to bless His children. “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” From the beginning, and forevermore, the Lord just wants to shine in your life and bless you.

If you are still counting, there is a singularly important fact upon which you can base your life and know true peace. It is that there is only ONE Christ! “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12) Live by that number and you'll know everything you need to know to reach your full potential!

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