Friday, April 3, 2015

Caught Up in a Marvelous Moment

By Brenda Black

Getting caught up in the moment makes a memory stick in your mind. Sounds, sights, and songs each have a mysterious quality that burrows its way into the recesses of the brain and the very soul of a man. There is power in the spoken word. There is meaning in an image. There is emotion in a song. When Jesus entered Jerusalem, surely the throngs of people who lined the streets, waving palm branches and tossing their cloaks on the dusty path before Him were overwhelmed by all they saw and felt. They were caught up in a marvelous moment that happened long ago, yet impacts us to this very day.

His celebrated arrival seemed like a military victory. It was instead a prelude to death. In just a few days, the Lord Jesus Christ taught his followers of the need for His holy sacrifice. He imparted His mission. He compelled them to action. He loved them completely, in spite of their abandoning Him. 
He died for them.

He taught. He cried. He served. He suffered. He died.

All of a sudden, that triumphant parade felt like a mockery. Hopes crushed. Dreams dashed. Hearts broken and grieving. Lives altered significantly, having spent time with this King, yet so helpless to stop His suffering. Soldiers brutally crucified this loving leader! His enthusiastic followers cowered and shuttered in disbelief as Jesus died before their tear-blurred eyes.

The loud “Hosannas” that rang just a few days earlier, were silenced by sobs and wailing. The kind King, the gentle Lamb, the Friend of sinners and the Wise Teacher dead.

How could any event erase the heart-wrenching embedded memories of heinous sounds and visions? Only one moment makes such a difference – the Resurrection!


Easter Sunday undoes the disappointment of Palm Sunday's short-lived victory. Easter Sunday redeems the traitorous act committed on Thursday. Easter Sunday obliterates the finality of Good Friday! From the time Jesus mounted a donkey and waved to the masses, to the miraculous moment He dropped grave clothes and adorned Himself in glorious immortality, we recount history this week. We have the position in time to see the whole story and know how it ends. All the sights and sounds, from jubilant choruses to haunting dirges to astonished praises, we see on this side of the cross and the empty tomb. When we read again about the moments that changed the world, it's easy to commiserate with the downcast and be awe-stricken with those surprised by the outcome. We have the privilege of reliving that moment when death was replaced by eternal promise, every day of our lives.

As you celebrate Easter in 2015, never forget how it all began. Remember the journey and think on the sacrifice, but most importantly believe in the end of the story. A Risen Savior reigns more than 2000 years later! Because He lives, our souls and our senses are touched again.

©Brenda Black The Word's Out

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